The Ministers’ Visitation Program is a strategic network of Ministers responsible for expanding the reach of the gospel by incorporating and influencing ministers of the gospel to partner with us in taking healing to every nation of the world.
It is a coalition of the Healing School with other christian ministries and ministers of the gospel, who join forces with us in achieving God’s agenda for global evangelism. It is a viable network with the primary objective of partnership with the healing ministry of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, engagement in various missionary outreaches and projects for the purpose of global evangelism and impact.
The Healing School Partnering Ministries has a unique strategy of impacting the nations and transforming the world through trained
ministers who have been seasoned and coached to spread the message of the Gospel in their country.
This strategy is called the colonization strategy; To have a missionary associated with Pastor Chris in every country of the world,
which is encapsulated in our objectives
In Alignment With Our Overarching Mission And Commitment To Advancing The Loveworld Expansionist Agenda